Meeting Crew Project

In an age of ever more information, ever faster information, accessible through all kinds of media and from a variety of unlimited sources, our access to information has been completely changed in recent years.
To such an extent that it can be impossible for us to understand, filter or analyse correctly all the information we receive in our day, which can turn information into misinformation or, in the worst case, into tools for spreading false information that can be hateful, discriminatory, racist, etc.

The CREW project ( Critical thinking against fake news) was launched in order to promoting young people’s critical thinking against fake news about migrants and migration in media narrative.
We were hosted by MV International in Sassari (Sardinia) for 7 days of Staff Meeting animated around warmups activities, training courses, group activities, debates, exchanges and discussions with the aim to learn more about:
– The evolution of the media, its use and its impact on our daily lives
– What critical thinking is and the different biases that our brain acquires throughout our life to interpret information
– How media literacy allows us to use our critical thinking skills to analyse information
– What is the phenomenon of fake news and its characteristics
– A better understanding of the stereotyping and misrepresentation of migrants/migration

But all of that for which goal?
To prepare each of us, as different as we are, from different backgrounds, countries, and histories, to create together original tools of Non-Formal Education for promoting media literacy and critical thinking towards fake news on media narratives about migrants and migration.
And you know what, we did it!

Thanks for our all partners and participants from Greece, Romania, Spain, Denmark, and Turkey having taken part in the implementation of this project and in especially to MV International from Italy for their welcoming.