Hello Youth (HeY) is an NGO which would like to promote active citizenship and participation of young people in all aspects of society. We encourage young people to participate in European projects as we recognise the immensely powerful way they are able to help young people people to improve themselves. Several young people make up this organisation from different cultural, economic and social backgrounds that need support in being active young people. The age of our target group is a diverse between 13-30 years old. The organisation was formed in 2013, first as an informal group but now developed into a stable NGO at a fundamental stage in its development.
The objectives of Hello Youth are:
– To increase young people’s active participation in the local community and at a European level.
– To provide new opportunities for young people to develop themselves and reach their fullest potential
– To encourage young people to be active in their free time through non-formal education, projects and activities.
– To share experiences and methods about youth work with other European youth organisation.
– To create meeting places for young people who have fewer opportunities, disadvantaged groups and local young people.
– We aim to create a network with the local community so our organisation can impact the young people and the community they live in.