Youth Can Lead Youth
Project Partners;
Hello Youth-Sweden
Faal Derneği-Turkiye
Stori di Mondi Possibili-Italy
Program :
Project code: 2023-2-SE02-KA220-YOU-000169894

Project Code; 2023-2-SE02-KA220-YOU-000169894
‘Youth Can Lead Youth’ project, as the name suggests, is a project that aims to provide young people with leadership skills.
Peer communication is very important for young people to feel included in the society. For this reason, young people need to build good communication with both their local peers and young migrants coming to their country. This communication is possible in social environments, education and activities.
Individuals have different identities and ways of learning and communicating. Because of such differences, young people should develop different ways of communication and learning and share their various experiences.
There are many methods used in the youth field and each organisation and country uses different methods in different areas. Many young people have the chance to participate in Erasmus+ projects or local projects and experience these methods.
The ultimate goal of our project is for these young people to have the potential to apply the methods they have learned and to become youth leaders rather than participants.
Other objectives of our project are as follows;
-To increase the awareness of young people in the youth field
-To give information about good practices in their countries and teaching different methods
-To help them gain self-confidence
-To teach and encourage how to communicate with young people from different backgrounds
-To apply the developed methodology to young people
-To raise awareness about active citizenship among young people
-To encourage young people to change themselves and others
In line with these objectives, our project will produce the following outputs for young people and youth workers;
Youth Can Lead Youth Methodology;
The aim of the ‘Youth Can Lead Youth Methodology’ is for young people who have participated in previous projects to become youth workers and to bring together all the methods used.
Our methodology will be two different areas; Competence development and increasing awareness.
Increasing awareness;
-Identity development
-Sensitization Traning
-Critical Thinking
-Dealing with discrimination circle
Competence development;
-Creative drama
-Peer-to-peer learning
-Adaptation and use of digital tools
This methodology will be implemented for youth in the LTTA. These young people will be selected from among the young people who have taken part in previous projects.
Young people who have experience being a participant will now learn all the methods of being a youth worker.
Video Tutorials
The primary purpose of this result is to support the program and methodology with digital tools. The methodology that will be created through the cooperation of all partners will be used later by many different organizations and young people. The video tutorials will support visual education by using the videos of the methods and training implemented in the
program. How and where all the methods should be applied will be shown in the videos in detail and clearly.
Separate videos will be developed for the 8 chapters used in the methodology, which is one of the outputs of the project.
Web Platform
The ultimate goal of Web Platform, is to reach many young people at the European level and offer this opportunity.
In addition, one of the important goals of this web platform is to increase the visibility and sustainability of the project. In this way, what has been done can be followed by many people and those who want can be included. In addition, thanks to the web platform, everything produced within the project will be brought together. The methodology produced will take place in the form of courses.