

Italy, Sweden, Ireland, UK, France, Lithuania, Poland, Greece, Turkey

Start date: May 15th,2021

End date: December 15th, 2022

Website: http://www.voyceproject.eu/

Project code: 2016– 2 – IT03 –KA2015-008782


The VOYCE project’s main objective is to sensitize youth about the inclusive values upon which the EU is founded, the policies adopted, and the opportunities offered, while analyzing the barriers encountered in building a strong European identity. Young people will be made aware of the advantages provided by a society that can sustain cultural diversity, gender equality, and a non-discriminatory attitude as predominant values. These aspects will be addressed according to the three main topics the project focuses on, allowing young people to analyze the challenges from different perspectives:

  1. New volunteering and mobility schemes addressed to people with fewer opportunities.
  2. Youth organization support based on new and sustainable socio-economic models.
  3. Developing a critical mind by promoting effective communication and problem-solving abilities.

Through activities undertaken during local group sessions, participants will directly work on the definition of Roadmaps. At this significant Social Hackathon event, they will share knowledge and design new projects/proposals. The online platform will enable them to stay connected with the co-creation process. The VOYCE partnership will foster young people’s cross-cutting skills necessary for their professional, personal, civic development, and engagement. Thus, the project will significantly contribute to the objectives of the Youth Together action in various ways:

  • Offering new means of online and offline collaboration among youth and organizations that will foster their regional and EU networks.
  • Creating participative moments of debate, learning, and discussion aimed at stimulating the civic participation of marginalized groups.
  • Providing young people with tools to cope with the COVID-19 challenge.

The consortium consists of 9 partners from 9 countries: Sweden, Ireland, the UK, France, Lithuania, Poland, Greece, Italy, and Turkey. It is established to create, share, and enable youth to acquire the necessary skills to contribute to prosperous, democratic, and cohesive societies in Europe and beyond. The consortium is composed of:

  • One Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with implications and expertise in promoting citizens’ commitment to intercultural exchange and dialogue.
  • One youth organization specialized and with relevant experience in encouraging young people to be critical of their life experiences and the world around them; working with young people to help them make informed choices about their responsibility in their communities, and connections with local schools and education centers to encourage young people to achieve and fulfill their potential.
  • Two NGOs youth organizations founded to unite young leaders, thinkers, and activists who seek change. The aim is to create a social, cultural, and educational impact for needy groups and communities.
  • One Charity and one NGO company aimed at creating mass participation in martial arts for people who are disabled, disadvantaged, or living with poverty.
  • One Association with solid experience in European mobility, job-shadowing, European Voluntary Service for youth, counseling, coaching, mentoring, and intercultural empowerment trips.
  • One Non-Profit Organization specialized in Entrepreneurship and Social Economy that will share its experiences and expertise in strengthening cross-border civil society.
  • One Association with solid experience in education and training program support, which is vital for recognizing and validating the acquisition of new competencies in training/mobility activities.