Sust Food


Hello Youth – Sweden
Mine Vaganti NGO – Italy
Faal Derneği – Turkey
Center for Development of Community Initiative and Environment – Vietnam
Volunteer Spirit Association – Thailand
Aawaaz – India


Project code: 602496-EPP-2018-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA


This transnational project aims enhances cooperation among Europe and other regions of the World, with a particular reference to Asia and Oceania, in the entrepreneurial exploitation of the opportunities displayed by food sustainability as well as in the concrete pursuit of environmental priorities.

The aforementioned main aim will be pursued through exchange of good practices and transnational cooperation functional to the production of a Training Format supporting youth operators in the regions involved in the transfer of entrepreneurial competences sustainable food business to young people.

The Format, tested with the target of youth operators in a TC, will be the first step towrds intervening directly on the ultimate target of youths. The target will be directly involved in a specific Youth Exchange implemented at the transnational level.

The ultimate products of the project will be the following:

– A Format TC Handbook, detailing the methodologies forming part of the Format TC for youth operators, as well as providing an outline of the piloting experience.

– A Web Platform integrating a Webinar in multiple languages targeted at the audience of potential youth entrepreneurs in the field of sustainable food.