- Cooperativa Umanista Mazra (CUM) – Italy
- Creative Thinking Development (CRE.THI.DEV) – Greece
- National Movement “Union for Development of Sport and Sport Culture Footura” (FOOTURA) – Slovenia
- Associação Sójovem das Saibreiras (Sójovem) – Portugal (Note: The association is located in Portugal, not Bulgaria)
- Hello Youth – Sweden
Website: https://spidap.learningservices.it/
The project aims to support both inclusion in sport for youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), contributing to enhance equal access to and equal opportunities in sport, and social inclusion through sport, enhancing the inclusive participation in society of young people on the autism spectrum (Specific Objective)
Because sport and physical activities can not only improve general wellbeing but it can also develop social skills and sociability and increase self-esteem, helping young people with autism to benefit from participating in society and increase their autonomy, according to European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.