CRitical thinking against fake nEWs
Kulan – Denmark
Lykia İzcilik ve Doğa Sporları Kulübü Derneği – Turkey
MV International – Italy
Asociación Juvenil Intercambia – Spain
Hello Youth – Sweden
SC Psihoforworld – Romania
Innovation Frontiers IKE – Greece
End date 31-08-2022
Program :Erasmus+
Project code: 2020-2-DK01-KA205-075244

“CRitical thinking against fake NEWs” (CREW) is 24 months strategic partnership aimed at promoting young people’s critical thinking against fake news about migrants and migration in media narrative through enhancing the capacities of youth operators working with youngsters as well as providing youths with digital architectures of self-learning. Transnationality plays a key role in this project, and that for several reasons:
Disinformation as a global Phenomenon, Migration ,Media Influence ,Political Influence
-Reports of cross-country research on migrants’ representation in media in partner countries. The Report data will be used for the elaboration of a “Critical Thinking against Fake News” Guide.
-Training Format on media literacy for youth operators. The Format will be a self-contained programme of empowerment targeted at youth operators.
-Web Platform and E-Learning modules as a hub of self-learning and e-learning towards the audience of youngsters.